It is my turn over at MCT to do the design challenge. As Autumn is my FAVE season, and FAVE colors, that is what I went with. For this months challenge, you can make anything you want, just follow the color palette.
Here is an image I found with the colors of fall that I just love. Use any or all colors in this example.
Ahhhh!!!! I love this and cannot wait till Autumn arrives. Here is what I made for you. The colors may not be EXACT....but close enough that it fits. I even used wood grain paper!
Here's my cute little owl...but might not be what you think....
It's an easel card! I love this style cause who ever gets it, can display it nicely and leave it out for awhile. I love how the owl sits nicely on that doily die! Gotta love that die! I got this image
in the Silhouette store.To make the tag for my sentiment I cut it twice, once in white, once in teal. I cut the teal one in half vertically. Then trimmed off the bits that would show when layered. I attached it at each end of the white layer to give a shadow look.
I created another layer for the wings in the Silhouette software and added with dimensionals. Hard to tell but the eyes are faceted gems put on with my i-rock by Imaginisce. I then tied some twine onto a button and added it with a dimensional and glossy accents cause I didn't want it to come off! It is what holds the card open. I sized the card just wide enough for the width of the doily die. Then I put it just on the edge of the card at the center point of the die, and only cut it half way. If you leave the rest of the card hang over your cutting plate it won't cut. That's how I got just the edge cut like a doily. Then I cut another full doily and layered exactly on top using dimensionals.

I took this photo to show you that I added some of the patterned paper on the underside too, as it shows when the card is open. All the papers I printed with digital files from Jessica Sprague. The pack is called Birds Of A Feather. Love it! See the scalloped edges? I saw one of the girls do this last week and wanted to do it too. It is just the edge of the Treat Slider Box! Genius! Thanks
Since the front is so pretty, I didn't want to take away from it with my note, so I created a panel on the back of the card for writing your message. I think it works out perfectly, matted by that awesome wood grain paper! I LOVE this wood grain. I have several but this one is just sooo warm!
So, there you have it. My card using the color scheme for this challenge. Let's take a look at what I used.
My Creative Time
I hope you like my card and will try an easel card of your own. I also hope you will enter in on the challenge. Come on, we all will need something fallish soon and now is a good time to get that something made! Can't wait to see what you come up with.